picture of toddler looking at books

Pre-K to K5

Welcome to the exciting world of educating during the wonder years.  This Pre-K to K5 season of homeschooling  offers  lots of time to build magical memories.

In many ways, these days of your homeschool journey will be the easiest and most exciting. They can also be the most stressful.

picture of toddler looking at books

Young moms work hard to meet the many demands on their time and energy. When you decide to homeschool, you add one more set of items on your ‘to do’ list.

We hope these pages will encourage you along the way.

Give yourself lots of grace in these early years. It’s o.k. to try new things. It’s o.k. to fail while trying. Here’s the good news – you absolutely cannot ‘break’ your  littles during these years of eager exploration so full of new experiences. Relax and enjoy your time because when you blink twice, it will be over.

We know your head is swimming with thoughts about what to teach and when to teach it. We aim to answer all those concerns and more through sections we are creating on the following early education topics:

Ages and Stages – Preschool education should be based on the developmental stages of your child, so plan accordingly!
What Curriculum Should I Use?  Here’s the good news: few of them involve sitting at a desk to work on ‘school’.
What About Early Intervention?  Busy doesn’t always mean bad. Check for articles on spotting learning challenges early.
Keeping Preschoolers Busy – Need a sanity break or quiet space to homeschool older children?  We have ideas for you.
Teaching Life Skills – It’s never too early to start teaching our littles practical skills that will last a lifetime!

Our resource pages will reflect your questions and concerns, so share them with us. Check back often for new articles and bonuses like free printables!

Every mom to littles has days when she feels like she is in the trenches. This book is just for you if you are there today!
toddlers bookOrder it now.